• Ultimate Guard - Digital Life Pad 9'' - UGDP010090(NT1100)9寸數位手寫平板

The Digital Life Pad is a handy, easy-to-use and eco-friendly writing tablet for your everyday writing and scribbling needs. The perfect gaming companion for keeping score or counting your life points!

- 9'' LCD screen
- Built-in stylus holder (stylus included)
- Clear button (clears the screen)
- Lock button (prevents the screen from being cleared inadvertently)
- Dimensions: 232 x 153 x 11 mm
- Weight: 205 g
- Battery: 1x CR2032 (included)

這個數位手寫板Life Pad除了使用起來非常容易外還能讓你減少紙張的使用量以做環保,無論是每天做筆記或者是當做備忘錄來使用都非常的合適。絕對是用來做遊戲流程記錄或者計算生命點數的增減等用途的好幫手。

Ultimate Guard - Digital Life Pad 9'' - UGDP010090(NT1100)9寸數位手寫平板

  • 型號: P649858