• Acrylicos Vallejo - 26203 - 佈景效果 Diorama Effects - 太平洋藍 Pacific Blue - 200 ml.(NT 480)

為模型的佈景增加更多的環境背景、故事性,意味著給我們的模型或圖形一個階段,一個現實和一個物理環境,這將給出一個位置的維度,水分或泥漿的原因,沙漠的干燥沙子或 歐洲中部樹木繁茂的黑暗土地。 


包裝:200毫升/6.76 fl.oz.罐。


The placement of our model in a diorama or vignette gives it a reality, a background and a history, an added dimension and a reason for the humidity, the traces of mud, of the dry sand of the desert or the dark earth of the wooded landscapes of central Europe.
The range of Diorama Effects offers the modeler everything needed for the reproduction of a terrain, with effects of sandy and dusty roads, or of snow, mud and water, all of which add to the realism of the setting and relate the model to its environment.

Safety: Diorama Effects is not flammable, and does not contain solvents. Please see also certified safety information of the product on the Safety page.https://acrylicosvallejo.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/SDS-Diorama-Water-Textures-2018.pdf
Packaging: Available in 200 ml./6.76 fl.oz. Pots.
Applications: Pacific Blue is a dense blue gel, of a color similar to the Pacific Ocean. Due to the translucent nature of the product, it is recommended to apply it on a base painted previously with a darker color to enhance the effect of depth. The gel dries in approximately 24 hours, depending on the thickness of the application.

Acrylicos Vallejo - 26203 - 佈景效果 Diorama Effects - 太平洋藍 Pacific Blue - 200 ml.(NT 480)

  • 型號: P656297

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